The database is an assesment of household resources, production strategies and income in the dry environments beyond Khanasser Valley in Syria. The objetcive was to determine the constraints to the adoption of potential changes in land use and the costs and benefits of these changes to different farm households. Khanesser Valley is located in nothern Syria approximately 70 km southeast of Aleppo city, North-Western Syria. People in Khanasser at the valley are poor, and out-migration to work as seasonal laborers. The area is within winter rainfall zone of 200-250 mm per year. ICARDA's Natural Resource Management Program selected it as an integrated research site to address a range of problems that are characteristic of marginal drylands. Group discussions took place with key persons in each village such as village head (Muktar), heaf of cooperative, notable persons, and some household heads were conducted as the first step. A questionnaire was developed to collect data by the communities level. The main topics of the baseline are: general information on the village/community, people, drinking water, well-being of household categories, off-farm activities, education, land resources and ownership, land use, land degradation, irrigation resources, livestock, cropping patters and yields obtained by farmers during the last 2 seasons, factors that negatively affect productivity of crops and livestock, housing, new agricultural technologies introduced during the last 10 years, activities which the community does collectively. Fifty-eigh villages were included in the rapid rural appraisal: 31 villages located in Khanesser Wadi, 16 villages in Jabel El-Hoss, and 11 villages were in the Badia (steppe area).
| Type: Dataset; Sub-type(s): Socio-Economic Survey Data |